
Posts Tagged ‘island’

Would you Adam and Eve it! The last place I would expect to find the internet and here it is! A little surprised but sometimes things crop up when you least expect it.

So at the moment I’m currently in the delights of Gili Meno. This is going to be one tough place to leave. After a very hectic travel schedule it is good to wrap up things in style and take some time out on the beach for the most emphatic R&R possible. There is hardly anyone on this island except a few beach bungalows, a bar and a few horse and carts. The beach is pristine and you can walk around the whole island in one hour.

Just a few snap shots of what my morning looked like…


Back home soon 😦 More blogs to follow once I have got access to the internet. Flickr to be updated also. Watch this space….

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